The Department of Electrical Stations and Systems (ESS) is the issuer. It was founded in 1972 on the chair there are two doctors of technical sciences, professors and eleven candidates of technical sciences, docents.
Teachers of this department outline the knowledge of 35 general professional and special disciplines. Scientific-methodical and educational activities of the department are fully provided with textbooks, teaching aids, methodical instructions.
Graduates of the department work at 45 electric stations in Ukraine and CIS countries, as well as in electric power enterprises of such power systems as South-Western, Central, Western, Northern, Southern, Donbass, Dniproska, Krymskaya, NEK Ukrenergo, NEK Hydroenergos, NERC. Foreign experts were trained for Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Ecuador, Small, Congo, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, gray and other countries. The overwhelming majority of foreign graduates work in the energy companies of their countries. Some of them work in the US and in Europe. Among the graduates of the chair are 40 candidates of technical sciences, deputy minister of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, director general of the South-Western Electric Power System (PES), director of the main electrical networks of the PES, head of the 750 kV substation, chief of the electrical shop of KES and nuclear power plants, directors of RES, chiefs of electric power systems services.
The main scientific directions. The scientific and technical focus of the department is the automation of optimal control of the modes of electric power systems and the diagnosis of electrical equipment.
Since 1980, the GDR has been conducted within the framework of targeted state and sectoral scientific programs. Close scientific contacts are maintained with leading research organizations i universities of Ukraine and CIS countries Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, VNDIE, Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University), Donetsk National Technical University, NTUU "KPI", Lviv Polytechnics, NTU KhPI, Amur State University (Russia), Jordanian University, Amman (Jordan), etc. According to the results of the research, 880 works were published, including 16 monographs, mano 52 patents and author's certificates of invention. At the exhibitions i contests received 15 awards, received the USSR Council of Ministers' Prize, the State Prize of Ukraine for young scientists. Over the past 5 years 280 students have participated in the GDR. The results of the research are introduced into production with a significant technical and economic effect.
Since 1989, the department has postgraduate studies in specialties 05.14.02 - Electric stations, networks and systems and 01.05.02 - Mathematical modeling and computational methods. A total of 30 graduate students graduated, and defended 26 Now three postgraduate students are studying in eye graduate school, in absentia - 5 and 4 competitors.
For today, the teaching of disciplines at the department is carried out by highly qualified specialists, among them 2 doctors of technical sciences, 5 professors and 11 docents, candidates of technical sciences. Training of students at the department is carried out with the use of modern methodological developments, specialized laboratory stands, the latest information and multimedia technologies, applied software complexes, which allows improving the quality of practical training of graduates of the department.
At the disposal of the department are rooms with a total area of 960 square meters. m., including: educational laboratories 7 rooms with an area of 667 square meters. m., research laboratories 2 rooms with an area of 55 square meters. The laboratories are equipped with modern electrical equipment and computers. The laboratories are replenished with equipment at the expense of sponsorship (PES, Rivne plant of high-voltage equipment, JSC Vinnitsaoblenergo, Khmelnitsky NPP, Ladyzhenskaya TPP, Dnestrovskaya HPP, etc.).
Since May 28, 1995 the department of power plants, and since January 26, 1998 to August 31, 2021 the united chair of electrical stations and systems of VNTU was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lezhnyuk Petr Demyanovich.
From September 1, 2021 the department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vyacheslav Komar.
The Department of Electrical Stations and Systems has been conducting fruitful scientific research work for the development of the general theory of systems for the optimal transmission and distribution of electric energy.
Majority of the strains of science:
- Automation of optimal control of normal modes of electric power systems (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D.)
- On-line diagnostics of high-voltage equipment in problems of optimal control of normal modes of electric power systems (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., docent Rubanenko A.E.);
- Integration of renewable sources of electrical energy into electric networks of electric power systems (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., Prof. Kulyk V.V.);
- Integral assessment of the performance of electrical grids (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., docent Komar V.A);
- Optimum control of transit power flows in electric power systems (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., docent Burykin O.B);
- Optimization of the joint use of renewable energy in local electrical systems (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., Prof. Sviridov M.P.);
- Analysis and assessment of the sensitivity of optimal solutions in electric power systems (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., docent Lesko V.A.);
- Assessment of the sensitivity of the optimal control of the modes of electric power systems by the criterial method (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., docent Ostra N.V.);
- Optimum control of normal modes of electric power systems using the criterial method with the use of neuron-fuzzy modeling (Prof. Lezhniuk P.D., docent Rubanenko E.A.);